Mechanics of Materials--

List of Experiments

  1. Experiment 1:
    To determine the hardness number of a given material using Brinell hardness test.
    Watch here
  2. Experiment 2:
    Evaluating the hardness number of hardened steel specimen using Vickers’s hardness test.
    Watch here
  3. Experiment 3:
    Determine the hardness number of mild steel/cast iron specimen using Rockwell hardness test.
    Watch here
  4. Experiment 4:
    To determine the impact energy and strength of notched specimen using Izod tests.
    Watch here
  5. Experiment 5:
    To determine the impact energy and strength of notched specimen using Charpy tests.
    Watch here
  6. Experiment 6:
    Determination of defects in a given material using magnetic crack detector.
    Watch here
  7. Experiment 7:
    Determination of cracks in given material using dye penetrant test.
    Watch here
  8. Experiment 8:
    To determine the ultimate shear strength of the given specimen in single and double shear using UTM.
    Watch here
  9. Experiment 9:
    To determine the moment of inertia, modulus of elasticity and maximum bending stress of wood
    specimen by conducting bending test.
    Watch here
  10. Experiment 10:
    To determine the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, % reduction in length and % increase in area of
    cast iron specimen by conducting compression test on universal testing machine.
    Watch here
  11. Experiment 11:
    To determine the modulus of rigidity, Torsional strength and modulus of toughness of mild steel
    specimen using torsion test.
    Watch here
  12. Experiment 12:
    To determine the elastic strength, ultimate tensile strength, modulus of toughness and young’s modulus
    of mild steel specimen by conducting tensile test on universal testing machine.
    Watch here
  13. Experiment 13:
    Metallographic examination and identification of microstructures of ferrous and non-ferrous materials materials.
    Watch here