Fluid Mechanics Lab--

List of Experiments

  1. Experiment 1:
    Venturi meter Experiment
    Watch here
  2. Experiment 2:
    Orifice meter Experiment
    Watch here
  3. Experiment 3:
    V-notch Experiment
    Watch here
  4. Experiment 4:
    rectangular notch Experiment
    Watch here
  5. Experiment 5:
    Impact Of Jet on Vanes
    Watch here
  6. Experiment 6:
    Investigate the Performance test on Pelton Wheel Turbine
    Watch here
  7. Experiment 7:
    Determination of major losses coefficient in flow through pipes due to
    sudden contraction and sudden expansion
    Watch here
  8. Experiment 8:
    Determination of coefficient of friction and Chezy’s constant for turbulent flow in pipes
    Watch here
  9. Experiment 9:
    Verification of Bernoulli’s equation
    Watch here
  10. Experiment 10:
    Determination of minor losses coefficient in flow through pipes due
    to sudden contraction and sudden expansion
    Watch here
  11. Experiment 11:
    Determine the efficiency of air blower
    Watch here
  12. Experiment 12:
    Determination of the impact of jet on Flat Vanes
    Watch here
  13. Experiment 13:
    Determination of the impact of jet on hemispherical vanes .
    Watch here
  14. Experiment 14:
    Determination of the impact of jet on Inclined Vanes .
    Watch here
  15. Experiment 15:
    Determination of performance characteristics of centrifugal pump .
    Watch here