Fundamental of heat transfer--

List of Experiments

  1. Experiment 1:
    Determination of Thermal Conductivity of a Metal Rod.
    Watch here
  2. Experiment 2:
    Determination of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of a Composite wall.
    Watch here
  3. Experiment 3:
    Thermal Analysis of Composite walls using FEM.
    Watch here
  4. Experiment 4:
    Experiment on Transient Heat Conduction.
    Watch here
  5. Experiment 5:
    Determination of Emissivity of a Surface
    Watch here
  6. Experiment 6:
    Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a free Convection on a vertical/horizontal tube
    Watch here
  7. Experiment 7:
    Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Forced Convention on a vertical/horizontal tube.
    Watch here
  8. Experiment 8:
    Determination of Heat transfer co-efficient, efficiency & Effectiveness on a Metallic
    fin by Free convection and Forced convection
    Watch here
  9. Experiment 9:
    Determination of heat transfer coefficient in film wise condensation and drop wise condensation .
    Watch here
  10. Experiment 10:
    Determination of Stephan Bolzman Constant
    Watch here