
List of Experiments

Section A

  1. Experiment 1:
    To measure diameter of a small spherical and to measure internal diameter and depth of
    a given beaker/calorimeter using Vernier Callipers and hence find its volume
    Watch here
  2. Experiment 2:
    To measure diameter of a given wire and thickness of a given wire using screw gauge.
    Watch here
  3. Experiment 3:
    To determine volume of an irregular lamina using screw gauge
    Watch here
  4. Experiment 4:
    To determine radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by a spherometer.
    Watch here
  5. Experiment 5:
    To determine the mass of two different objects using a beam balance.
    Watch here
  6. Experiment 6:
    To find the weight of a given body using parallelogram law of vectors.
    Watch here
  7. Experiment 7:
    Using a simple pendulum, plot its L-T2 graph and use it to find the
    effective length of second’s pendulum.
    Watch here
  8. Experiment 8:
    To study variation of time period of a simple pendulum of a given length by
    taking bobs of same size but different masses and interpret the result.
    Watch here
  9. Experiment 9:
    To find the downward force, along an inclined plane, acting on a roller due to gravitational pull
    of the earth and study its relationship with the angle of inclination θ by plotting
    graph between force and Sinθ.
    Watch here

Section B

  1. Experiment 10:
    To determine Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire.
    Watch here
  2. Experiment 11:
    To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting a graph between load and extension.
    Watch here
  3. Experiment 12:
    To study the variation in volume with pressure for a sample of air at constant
    temperature by plotting graphs between P and V, and between P and 1/V.
    Watch here
  4. Experiment 13:
    To determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method.
    Watch here
  5. Experiment 14:
    To study the relationship between the temperature of a hot body and time by plotting a cooling curve.
    Watch here
  6. Experiment 15:
    To determine specific heat capacity of a given solid by method of mixtures.
    Watch here
  7. Experiment 16:
    To study the relation between frequency and length of a given wire under
    constant tension using sonometer.
    Watch here
  8. Experiment 17:
    To study the relation between the length of a given wire and tension for
    constant frequency using sonometer.
    Watch here
  9. Experiment 18:
    To find the speed of sound in air at room temperature using a resonance
    tube by two resonance positions.
    Watch here